There are only two types of fees for using SimpleGym:

  1. A monthly fee (however, 'Free' is free) and 

  2. Credit / Debit / ACH fees.

Setup / Initiation / Cancellation Fees:

None. There are no setup, initiation, or cancellation fees. 

Monthly Fee: 

SimpleGym offers two plans, Free and Pro:

  1. Free: No monthly fee. 
  2. Pro: $149 Monthly Fee

Credit Card / Debit / ACH Fees:

When you accept member payments via SimpleGym, there is an associated ACH, debit or credit card transaction fee on each transaction, as well as a cost for any chargebacks, returns, etc. For payments you accept from your gym members through SimpleGym, the following transaction costs will apply:

  • 2.5% + $0.30 (+1% for Free plan) per Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express transaction

  • 1.0% + $0.30 (+1% for Free plan) per ACH transaction

  • An additional 1% fee is added for international transactions

  • $15 per chargeback

  • No Monthly Fee 

  • No Minimum Volume Fee

  • No PCI Compliance Fee

How Do SimpleGym's Credit Card Fees Compare?

SimpleGym Payments makes gym payments automatic and easy. It automatically runs your gym's billing each month, sends e-receipts, automatically follows up with gym members on failed payments, and displays your payments on your SimpleGym reporting dashboard (which tells you who has paid their bill, whose payment failed, whether your gym's revenue is up or down and why, etc.). It's all automatic and integrated, by virtue of SimpleGym Payments.

SimpleGym's Payments offer competitive credit card processing rates that compare favorably to some of the most popular alternatives. 

  • SimpleGym: 
    • 2.5% + $0.30 per transaction, + $0/mo. (+1% for Free plan)
    • For All Recurring Card On File, Card Not Present, And Virtual Terminal Charges.
  • Square:
    • 3.5% + $0.15 per transaction, + $0/mo.
    • For All Recurring Card On File, Card Not Present, And Virtual Terminal Charges.
  • Stripe:
    • 3.3% + $0.30 per transaction, + $0/mo.
    • For All Recurring, Card Not Present, Card On File Charges.
  • PayPal:
    • 2.9% to 3.5% + $0.30 per transaction, + $40/mo.
    • For All Recurring Card On File, Card Not Present, And Virtual Terminal Charges.

Pricing As Of: Nov. 20, 2019. 

Compares recurring and virtual terminal pricinghow most gyms actually accept members' payments, as opposed to manually swiped. See each respective provider's pricing terms for full details.