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SimpleGym enables you to do things like run automated payments, track your gym's growth and attrition, and obtain and store liability waivers for each of your members. But to do all of that, each and every one of your gym members must be added to your gym's SimpleGym account. In this article we'll cover two ways to add gym members to your SimpleGym account, (1) manually, and (2) via bulk upload. 

Adding New Members

First, we'll look at how to manually add a new gym member to your account. This is how, for instance, you'd add a new member who just walked in and signed up to join your gym.


To add a member to your gym's SimpleGym account, first…

  • Navigate To The Members Page

    • Log in to your SimpleGym Account.

    • Click ‘Members’

    • Then Click ‘Add New’

  • Complete the Member's Profile:

    • Profile Details: Type in the gym member's Profile Details, and any notes about the Member (e.g. "Prefers to be called Jake, not Jacob.")

    • Upload Image: Upload a headshot of the member. For better display, upload images that are square and larger than 215px by 215px. 

      • Note: In addition to being displayed on the Member Profile page, this image will be displayed, in a smaller size, on the Class Check-In screen whenever the Member checks in for a class. Because the image displayed will be small, an image in which the Member's head is prominently featured is ideal.

    • Account Details: Select from your existing Membership Plans, the plan that will be applied to this member (e.g. "Monthly $99 Plan").

    • Billing Start: Select when the first charge will run for this Member on his/her assigned Membership Plan.

    • Then Click 'Save'

  • Present 'Liability Waiver' For Electronic Signature

    • After clicking 'Save' you'll be prompted to have the Member electronically sign their Liability Waiver. 

    • Have the Member review the contract, then personally type in their full name, and click 'Accept' to electronically sign the document.

  • Complete the Billing Information:

    • Billing Information: Type in the billing information for the gym member. The name, address and email used should match the information on file with the payment method provider.

      • Note: It's important that the email address entered in Billing Information match the email address on file with the credit card holder, otherwise transactions with that card may be declined.

    • Card Info: Type in the Member's credit or debit card information exactly as it appears on their card.
    • Then Click 'Save'

  • Present 'Membership Agreement' For Electronic Signature

    • After clicking 'Save' you'll be prompted to have the Member electronically sign their Membership Agreement.

    • Have the Member review the contract, then personally type in their full name, and click 'Accept' to electronically sign the document.

Now that you have added a new member, SimpleGym will run payments for this member according to the 'Membership Plan' the Member was assigned to, will store a copy of the electronically signed contracts, and you will begin see this member's information reflected in statistics on your gym's dashboard page.

Bulk Uploading New Members:

Gyms that are transitioning to SimpleGym often have hundreds of existing members, and have pre-existing credit card processing running for those gym members. The volume of these members, and the fact that often their credit card information is encrypted, means that manually adding new members to your account is not a viable or time-effective solution. 

As a result, you have the option to bulk upload existing gym members into your SimpleGym account. Here's how to do it: 


To bulk upload members to your gym's SimpleGym account, first…

  • Navigate To Import To WePay Page: 

  • Complete the Fields:

    • Select 'Merchant or Fundraiser'

    • Complete The Remaining Fields

      • Current Processor: (e.g. Square, Chase Merchant Services, etc.)

      • Your Name And Email Address:
      • Point of contact, name and email address, at platform you are using WePay through: 
      • Provide a point of contact, name and email address, at your other processor:

Once you have submitted the requested information, WePay will be provided a PGP key from your existing credit card processor, which contains an encrypted version of your existing customer's data. WePay will then upload that data into your WePay account, and you'll be able to continue billing all of your existing gym customers without having to manually enter their credit or debit card information into SimpleGym. 

If you need additional help migrating existing gym customers into SimpleGym, submit a support ticket.

Deleting Gym Members:

Now we'll look at how to manually delete a gym member from your SimpleGym account. There are a two main reasons why you'd want to delete a member as opposed to simply changing their status to inactive; (1) you set up a test member and want to declutter your account, (2) you want to permanently remove a member from your account who has no chance of reactivating in the future. 

Otherwise, it's often better to just change an account member's status to "suspended" or "inactive" so that you can retain their contact and account information in case they re-activate later, or in case you want to reach out to former members through your SimpleGym communications portal.


To delete a member to your gym's SimpleGym account, first…

  • Navigate To The Members Page

    • Log in to your SimpleGym Account.

    • Click ‘Members’

    • Then Click the Member's Name of the Member you would like to delete, in order to open their Member Profile.

  • Click Delete Button:

    • Scroll to the bottom of the Member Profile page and locate the 'Delete' Button.

    • Click 'Delete' button.
    • Click 'Confirm'

Now that you have deleted the member, all active associated billing will automatically terminate and the former member will be removed from any future reporting, communications, or assigned Membership Plans.